Our entire family is heading to Tampa, hopping on a 5 day cruise to Mexico.
The Tiny Seed By Eric Carle
Planting a Rainbow By Lois Ehlert
Growing Vegetable Soup By Lois Ehlert
If you haven't discovered Lois Ehlert, be sure and check her books out - she's awesome!
Tomorrow, I will list my favorite websites with fabulous activities to go along with these great books!
Cute Crafts:
Coffee Filter Flowers by Family Corner
Make a beautiful flower bouquet. These flowers are quick, easy, inexpensive and fun for all ages. Use your imagination to come up with your own varieties! For each flower you will need:
2 basket style drip coffee filters
Food coloring (2 colors)
Wooden skewer
Green construction paper
Clear tape
White glue
Green paint or marker
Scrunchy Blossoms By Kids Craft WeeklyOur scrunchy blossoms turned out so nicely that we have decided to keep them in a vase on the kitchen table. These blossoms are easy to make – younger kids with good fine motor skills should be able to manage quite easily. You will need• pink or white crepe paper• scissors• twigs• kids pvc glue and paintbrush1. Cut crepe paper into small pieces – we cut ours into roughly one inch squares.2. Scrunch a piece of crepe paper into a small tight ball. Dip it in glue and stick it to your twig. Keep going until your stick is in full bloom.
Build a Terrarium By Kids Gardening